

  So it’s your first event... My first event: April 8, 2017 Pittsburgh GORUCK Light  One thing that scares people about GORUCK is the unexpected, and while you can never really anticipate exactly what will happen at an event, here are some basic tips so you know the lingo and a general gist of what is going on... EVENT DYNAMICS •GORUCK is a team event. This means if you are a fitness all-star, you help those who are struggling. Grab the coupon from them, go at their pace for PT, even take their ruck if you have to. •That being said, on the flip side, this also means you should prepare adequately for an event so you can contribute to the team.  No one wants someone showing up for a Tough or a Heavy who has obviously not completed the proper training for said event. Don’t come into an event expecting the team to pick up your slack because it is a “team” event. Heavies, especially, have specific requirements. If you can’t fulfill those requirements in training, maybe you shouldn’t do that

4- State Challenge

I woke up in the backseat of my Jeep Gladiator feeling like someone was hammering nails under my right kneecap. I realized I was using my first aid kit and an empty ruck as a pillow, so I reached into the kit and grabbed some Ibuprofen. I realized they were liquid gels and three of them were stuck together. I had no energy to separate them, so I figured three won’t kill me, and I popped them into my mouth, grabbed a swig of Gatorade and laid back down. I could feel them stuck to the back of my throat. I already put the Gatorade back into the front seat cupholder. I didn’t want to sit back up. I stretched my leg out over the passenger seat headrest and tried to go back to sleep. It didn’t work. Between the knee pain and having three liquid gels glued to my esophagus, I figured 10 minutes was enough sleep and I’ll start my drive back home again. This is how my 4-State Challenge adventure weekend ended. The rest was just as miserable. I’m no stranger to physically and mentally